Harvest Festival
We plan to hold our annual Harvest Festival Supper from 5pm onwards on Saturday 29th October 2022 to which all plotholders are invited.
For anyone who hasn't been to previous harvest suppers, a veggie stew is made with donated homegrown veg in a giant cooking pot (because of fire restrictions, it will be on butane this year). For meat-eaters, there will also be a Lamb Scouse. Bring your own desserts and drink and just enjoy yourselves. A marquee is set up at the top end of the field by the car park.
Please leave donations of vegetables (carrots, potatoes, kale, onions, herbs etc) in the box next to Plot No. 4. by Friday 28th October.
Conkers will be provided for anyone who wants to have a conker fight !! And, of course, to add to the atmosphere any large pumpkin lanterns would be welcome.