Your Questions Answered


Gates:  please always lock the gates after entering or leaving the site.

Children are welcome but please ensure they stay on your plot and are well-behaved and do not affect the enjoyment of other plotholders.

Dogs must be on a lead at all times and kept on your plot.

Buildings: The Committee should be consulted before a new shed, greenhouse or polytunnel is erected.

Bees, hens: Please consult the Committee if you wish to keep bees or hens.

No dumping: Please take all rubbish away. 

Plots should not be used to store unsuitable materials.  Building rubble, old carpet etc should not be brought to the site. 

Fires:  LCC has informed us that all burning on LCC allotment sites is strictly prohibited from 15 March to 1 November 2021.

Water: Water butts or barrels can be filled from the taps via a hosepipe but hosepipes must not be used directly onto plots or left uncontrolled. 


Must be kept in check with a maximum of 10 foot tall recommended. Please consider the impact on your neighbours in particular to branches, roots and shade

1.Only fruit trees are allowed

2.Must be properly pruned to the recommended height of ten feet

3.Must not impact impact on your neighbours or overhang communal paths between plots


Covid Access Rules May 26th

Liverpool City Council has issued the following access information

From the 17 th May 2021, the government’s Covid-19 roadmap recovery plan removes most

legal requirements on meeting up outdoors with an upper limit of 30 people set on outdoor


Set out below is how this affects allotment holders and access to Liverpool City Council

operated municipal allotment sites.

Allotment Access

 Allotment holders are now free to invite people onto their plot who are not part of

their family or support bubble. Please note the allotment holder must also be in


 Although government guidance states that groups of up to 30 people can meet

outdoors, the maximum number of people who can attend an LCC allotment plot will

be set at 10. This includes children.

 Allotment holders must also consider their own level of risk before allowing anyone

who is not part of their household or support bubble onto their plot.

The information above will be updated again following the successful transition to step 4

of the roadmap recovery plan which will be implemented no earlier than 21 st June 2021.

For further advice about the Covid 19 lockdown recovery plan please visit: .

Updated advice and useful information about how the lockdown recovery plan affects

allotments can also be found at

Take care and stay safe


Pitville Allotments Society

On behalf of Liverpool City Council 26th May 2021 – Issue No. 9the Government’s Covid 19 roadmap recovery plan.

Covid Rules for Allotments

Liverpool City Council has issued the following access information in response to

From the 17 th May 2021, the government’s Covid-19 roadmap recovery plan removes most

legal requirements on meeting up outdoors with an upper limit of 30 people set on outdoor


Set out below is how this affects allotment holders and access to Liverpool City Council

operated municipal allotment sites.

Allotment Access

 Allotment holders are now free to invite people onto their plot who are not part of

their family or support bubble. Please note the allotment holder must also be in


 Although government guidance states that groups of up to 30 people can meet

outdoors, the maximum number of people who can attend an LCC allotment plot will

be set at 10. This includes children.

 Allotment holders must also consider their own level of risk before allowing anyone

who is not part of their household or support bubble onto their plot.

The information above will be updated again following the successful transition to step 4

of the roadmap recovery plan which will be implemented no earlier than 21 st June 2021.

For further advice about the Covid 19 lockdown recovery plan please visit: .

Updated advice and useful information about how the lockdown recovery plan affects

allotments can also be found at

Take care and stay safe


Pitville Allotments Society

On behalf of Liverpool City Council 26 th May 2021 – Issue No. 9the Government’s Covid 19 roadmap recovery plan.


We have received a notice from Liverpool City Council that all burning on Council municipal allotment sites is strictly prohibited from 15th March 2021 until 1st November 2021.The Council also advise that allotment sites will be monitored for compliance of this directive. Complaints received will be investigated by Environmental Health Officers and, if required, further action taken including prosecution under The Environmental Protection Act 1990.

This is the busiest time for visits to allotments and a smoke-free environment should be enjoyed by both plotholders and our neighbours who are more likely to be outdoors and have windows open during this season.

If you have any diseased plants please do not compost or put into green bins, but keep them to one side and then burn when allowed.

There is also a generator and shredder on site available for use.

We must not do or allow to be done anything which in the opinion of the Council shall be a nuisance or annoyance to any other tenant or to the occupiers of neighbouring dwelling houses.



Pitville Allotments Society

Covid -19 Lockdown January 2021

COVID 19 National Lockdown  Allotment Site Access Update

Dear allotment holders,

Allotment sites will be allowed to remain open during the National Lockdown with the following access restrictions in place;

Allotment access;

  • The allotment holder and members of their household and support bubble will be allowed to continue to access the allotment holders plot.

  • No one outside of any allotment holders household or support bubble should access any other allotment holders plot whilst occupied by allotment holders household or support bubble.

  • Government guidance advises that you can meet one other person from outside of your household for exercise. If any allotment holder decides to do this it means that only; the allotment holder and one other person will be allowed onto the plot at any one time and social distancing of 2 meters adhered to at all times.

Further advice about what qualifies as a support bubble and exemptions can be found by visiting;


Despite access being allowed onto allotments during the National Lockdown the  overriding government message remains that you should stay at home, only take exercise once per day  (attend allotment plots) and for as short a period as possible.

If allotment holders decide to use their daily exercise to attend their plots the guidance below should be followed.

  • Anyone who shows any COVID 19 symptoms must follow government guidance and self-isolate with all members of their household for 14 days.

  • Crucially, stay at home if you have symptoms and get tested.

·       Book a free test from the NHS website or call a new dedicated phone number 119, it’s really quick and easy to do,

  • Wash or sanitise hands regularly. This is important when touching surfaces others may have been in contact with such as on site taps and site access padlocks.

  • When using plot access pathways maintain social distancing of 2 meters from anyone who is not part of your household or support bubble.


Site operational changes;

Committees-in-Charge at your allotment site have also been asked to close shared facilities such as toilets and stores for the duration of the lockdown.  Committees may also have introduced their own control measures which we would urge you all to follow.

Committees will also keep their allotments holders updated regarding changes to this year’s plot rental income collection.

We appreciate that the current situation is frustrating and inconvenient for everyone but it is vital all allotment holders are sensible and follow the instructions issued which are for the benefit and welfare of everybody.

The restrictions above will be regularly reviewed and updated in line with government guidance.

For further information about National Lockdown restrictions please visit;   or

Information about and advice about how the National Lockdown is affecting allotment sites can also be found at;


Take care and stay safe.

Yours Faithfully


A Morrow

Liverpool City Council

Covid 19

National Lockdown rules apply:

We are awaiting an official statement from Liverpool City Council, however the plot remains open.

May we also remind all plotholders that children must remain on the plot at all times and not play

on the main pathway.

We appreciate the current situation is frustrating for everyone, but it is vital all allotment

holders are sensible and follow these instructions, which are for the benefit and welfare of

us all.

Green waste

Due to uneven ground and lots of broken glass and nettles the wildflower area is out of bounds. Please do not place green waste in this area.



Rent Collection Dates - 2019

We will be taking payment for rent on site.

Date and time for payment are as follows:

Saturday 16 February, 12:00 - 13:00
Sunday 17 February, 12:00 - 13:00

Please make cheques payable to ‘Pitville Allotment Society’.

Many thanks.

Please Note:
Dead line to be nominated for the committee is Thursday 21 February. To nominate yourself please name your proposer and seconder. Please leave your name and plot number in the greenhouse on 44a or email

Full Site Plot Inspection

To all plot holders

One of the Committee’s responsibilities is to ensure the requirements of the Council’s Tenancy Agreement are met and maintained.

These requirements include:

  • To keep the plot clean from weeds, pests and disease and otherwise maintain it in a good state of cultivation and fertility.
  • Maintain in tenantable condition any building structure, fence, rail or gate on the plot.
  • To use the plot as an allotment garden and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Therefore, this post is to advise all plot holders that a full site plot inspection will take place during w/c 25th April 2016.

Please feel free to contact a member of the Plot Inspection Team below if you have any comments or queries. Alternatively, you can email us at

Plot Inspection Team:
Anne Jeffery - Plot 43B
Bernie Dobson - Plot 45B
Peter Melia - Plot 18B
Jacqui Orr - Plot 53A

Membership Fees

For those who can't make it to the AGM the site shop will be open from 12pm to 1pm on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th February for collection of rent / membership fees.


PAS Committee

Committee Nominations

Plot holders who would like to join the committee should see our secretary Anne Jeffery on plot 43b or email

The deadline for nominations is 5pm on Friday, 29th January 2016. No nominations on the night.

To nominate yourself or someone else, please include your proposer and seconderAll positions are open for nomination.

Voting will take place at the AGM on 11th February 2016, the meeting will start at 7pm, in the Scout Hut on Gorsedale Road, L18 5EY.


PAS Committee

Greenhouse Bid

Best Bid Wins

Bid for a 8’ x 6’ used greenhouse (requires some glass) otherwise excellent condition -

Start the bidding at £30:00. Bids to John Manning, Secretary on 07940 759125. All money raised will be donated to Grandison Road Allotment Society.

Closing Date 26th August, 2015