Liverpool City Council -
Liverpool City Council's website provides residents and members of Liverpool Allotments Association information and advice on allotment sites across the region.
Association of Liverpool Allotments -
The A.L.A. is an overarching representative body that protects and promotes the interests of all allotment sites and their members in Liverpool, and is recognised by the National Allotment Society as the local representative body for the National organisation.
Garden Organic -
Your garden is your own little patch of the world to look after. Most gardens are quite small, but there are 15 million of them in the UK. If all of these gardens were cared for organically, it would create a much better environment – for our families, plants and wildlife.
Soil Association -
The Soil Association is the UK’s leading membership charity campaigning for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use.
Royal Horticultural Society -
Beginners guide to starting an allotment.
National Open Garden Scheme -
Around 3,700 gardens open each year for the National Garden Scheme, all of our gardens can be found on our website or in our Garden Visitor’s Handbook, published annually. Click here to search our gardens.
Pitville Allotment Society Rules
Plot Inspections
Plots are inspected on a regular basis. Please keep plots clean from rubbish, weeds, pests and disease and otherwise maintain it in a good state of cultivation and fertility and good condition.
Building Structures
One Greenhouse or Polytunnel and one Hut only will be permitted on each plot. No cinder, shale or other type of path may be made across any plot without consent.
Maximum size of a hut: 6'0" x 4'0"
Maximum size of a greenhouse: 6'0" x 10'0".
Both the Site Committee and your neighbouring plots should be aware of and agree with your application. It is your responsibility to ensure they are aware of your intention before proceeding. Disputes arising through failure to comply with this instruction could result in the removal of the structure at your own expense.
Please read the Liverpool City Council guidance before erecting a building -
Building Materials, Household Items and Nonorganic Waste
Please keep your plot free of rubbish and unwanted items. Do not bring building materials and household items onto the site. For example: carpet, lino, double glazed window units, rubble, shale, furniture, playground items, asbestos roofing, plastic doors, large concrete flags, concrete cladding, cement mix, fencing, chipboard, polythene, corrugated plastic.
Please do not leave unwanted items to pile up, any items not in use need to be removed from your plot. Please don't leave rubbish and unwanted items in the car park area.
The nearest recycling centre is at Otterspool:
Garden Chemicals and Pesticides
Any chemical or other product used to control pests, diseases and weeds is strictly legislated, under EU and, therefore, UK law. Pesticides are unlikely to be any less strictly regulated after the UK leaves the EU.
You might find this page useful on the RHS website. Weeds: non-chemical control:
Please do not use carpet to suppress weeds. Carpet is difficult to remove and harmful chemicals from the dye and plastic contaminate the soil. Alternatively use weed barriers such as horticultural fabric, cardboard or mulch heavily with organic mulches such as bark or wood chip. Manually remove weeds by hoeing, hand-weeding with a fork and repeat cutting with a strimmer.
Tip: Pumpkins, squash, courgettes and potatoes smother weeds, so plant them in the weediest areas.
A fire should not smell or emit smoke of any kind. Only burn absolutely dry material. Do not burn inorganic materials. We have neighbours (Pitville Avenue). If there are any complaints, you could breach your tenancy agreement. Only burn when the wind is in the right direction, away from the houses.
Dogs brought on to the site must be kept on a lead at all times.
Children must be supervised at all times. The Committee and Council try to make the site safe and secure but allotments by nature are hazardous places.
If you lose your alley gate or gate key, please report the matter to the police and then the council. Anne Jeffery will then issue replacements at a cost. Please keep the gates locked at all times.
Please conserve water. Use water butts to collect rainwater and watering cans for watering plots. Hosepipes can only be used to fill water butts. Do not use a water hose directly onto the plot, our water is on a meter.
Do not go on another plot unless invited to do so by the tenant. Sheds, tools and equipment left on a plot by the departing tenants belong to the society by default, if not collected within 14 days.
Tool Shed
The following equipment is available to all plot holders:
- Lawn Mowers
- Strimmers
- Rotavators
Please contact any committee member for the keys to the tool shed. Advice on using any of the equipment is also available from the committee.
A small donation of £2 is welcome to cover cost of petrol.
Field days
We have a few field days each year, for which we are always looking for volunteers, to tidy up and do general maintenance on the site. Dates will be posted on the website and notice boards.