Potato Competition
Yep its on…The weigh-in for the annual potato competition….. its a real smash!!..
Yep its on…The weigh-in for the annual potato competition….. its a real smash!!..
FRUIT AND VEG COMPETITION - whatever you have available on the day.
Bring all your produce to the marquee at the top of the field.
Categories will include brassicas, beans, onions, marrows, all types of tomato, roots, peppers, any type of fruit, jams and pickles. And for those growing grapes or blackberries - wine too!!
Our two expert growers, Dave Clumpus (Plot 3) and Bob Clephan (Plot 19) will be our judges. It's all good fun and not taken too seriously. And there are prizes too. And plenty of wonky veg!! Tape measures at the ready - we will also be looking for the tallest Sunflower.
All entries to be labelled underneath
1. Fruit – on plates
Tomatoes - 3 of each
Rhubarb - 3 sticks
Grapes, strawberries, blackberries and other small fruits - 1 bunch
2. Vegetables
Root veg: potatoes, carrots, turnips, swedes etc. - small 3 of each, large 1 of each
Brassicas: cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. - 1 of each
Others: leeks, peas, beans, peppers, cucumbers etc. - small 3 of each, large 1 of each
3. Flowers - 1 bunch
4. Chutneys and Jams - 1 jar
5. Wines and Spirits - 1 bottle (suitably labelled)
6. Wonky veg - ugly/comical fruit or veg - 1 item
Points will be awarded for first, second and third places. Medals for first places and overall winner (person with most points).
We will be holding a Strawberry tea for plot holders and associates on Sunday 7th July at 2pm.
Cakes Scones and of course Strawberries and if you need to feel posh, please bring your own Teapot,
posh cups and saucers will be available. No tickets just a donation would be great.
Our Annual Plant Sale and BBQ
Plants, Herbs, Jam, Tea and Cake…..And Rhubarb of Course!
Scarecrow Competition, Face Painting, Raffle, Red Arrows Fly past, Fireeating, Snake charmers,Tight Rope walking, Acrobatic displays….
Please take this opportunity to come along and meet the Committee and your fellow plotholders.
watch this space for the actual date
Our annual Vegetable Competition is to be held at 1pm on Saturday 12th August 2023. Bring all your produce to the marquee at the top of the field.
Categories will include brassicas, beans, onions, marrows, all types of tomato, roots, peppers, any type of fruit, jams and pickles. And for those growing grapes or blackberries - wine too!!
Categories Are
All entries to be labelled underneath
1. Fruit – on plates
Tomatoes - 3 of each
Rhubarb - 3 sticks
Grapes, strawberries, blackberries and other small fruits - 1 bunch
2. Vegetables
Root veg: potatoes, carrots, turnips, swedes etc. - small 3 of each, large 1 of each
Brassicas: cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. - 1 of each
Others: leeks, peas, beans, peppers, cucumbers etc. - small 3 of each, large 1 of each
3. Flowers - 1 bunch
4. Chutneys and Jams - 1 jar
5. Wines and Spirits - 1 bottle (suitably labelled)
6. Wonky veg - ugly/comical fruit or veg - 1 item
Points will be awarded for first, second and third places. Medals for first places and overall winner (person with most points).
Our two expert growers, Dave Clumpus (Plot 3) and Bob Clephan (Plot 19) will be our judges. It's all good fun and not taken too seriously. And there are prizes too. And plenty of wonky veg!! Tape measures at the ready - we will also be looking for the tallest Sunflower.
If you entered the potato competition, this will be judged in September.
Please confirm if you would like to enter the competition.
Hope you see you there
……and our Harvest festival supper after that .
We will be holding a Strawberry tea for plot holders and associates on Saturday 8 th July at 2pm.
Cakes Scones and of cause Strawberries and if you need to feel posh, please bring your own Teapot,
posh cups and saucers will be available. No tickets just a donation would be great.
Our Annual Plant Sale and BBQ
Plants, Herbs, Jam, Tea and Cake…..And Rhubarb of Course!
Scarecrow Competition, Face Painting, Raffle, Red Arrows Fly past, Fireeating, Snake charmers,Tight Rope walking, Acrobatic displays….
AGM on site at 2pm Saturday May 20th: We would love to see all plotholders!!
We plan to hold our annual Harvest Festival Supper from 5pm onwards on Saturday 29th October 2022 to which all plotholders are invited.
For anyone who hasn't been to previous harvest suppers, a veggie stew is made with donated homegrown veg in a giant cooking pot (because of fire restrictions, it will be on butane this year). For meat-eaters, there will also be a Lamb Scouse. Bring your own desserts and drink and just enjoy yourselves. A marquee is set up at the top end of the field by the car park.
Please leave donations of vegetables (carrots, potatoes, kale, onions, herbs etc) in the box next to Plot No. 4. by Friday 28th October.
Conkers will be provided for anyone who wants to have a conker fight !! And, of course, to add to the atmosphere any large pumpkin lanterns would be welcome.
Our annual Vegetable Competition is to be held at noon on Sunday 14th August 2022. Bring all your produce to the marquee at the top of the field.
Categories will include brassicas, beans, onions, marrows, all types of tomato, roots, peppers,
any type of fruit, jams and pickles. And for those growing grapes or blackberries - wine too!! Details at the end of this email.
As usual, Dave Clumpus (Plot 3) and our Chairman Ray Bawley will be our judges. It's all good fun and not taken too seriously!! And there are prizes too And plenty of wonky veg !! Tape measures at the ready - we will also be looking for the tallest Sunflower.
Please confirm if you would like to enter the competition.
Hope to see you there
1. Fruit - stalk attached
Tomatoes - 3 of each
Rhubarb - 3 sticks
Grapes, strawberries, blackberries and other small fruits - 1 bunch
2. Vegetables
Marrow, Squash, pumpkin - 1 large
Onions, Cabbage, Courgettes, Turnips, Cauliflower, Kale, Lettuce - 2 of each
Leeks, Beans, Peas, Potatoes, Carrots, cucumbers, peppers, gherkins - 3 of each
3. Flowers - 1 bunch
4. Chutneys and Jams - 1 jar
5. Wines and Spirits - 1 bottle (suitably labelled)
6. Unusual - Miscellaneous
7. Wonky veg - ugly/comical fruit or veg - 1 item
8. Mixed fruit/vegetable basket - 1 item
Join us at our annual plant sale celebrating the start of Summer. You'll find bedding plants, herbs, jams and lots more…
Save the date and please sow extra plants for us to sell!
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday May 1st on site: All plotholders are welcome to attend.
The Committee will be conducting plot inspections duriing the week commencing April 25th.
we had a really good day of fun in the sun, at the weigh-in for the annual potato competition. Even the tiny baby potatoes counted ….
Well done to this year’s winner, Helen’s mum from Plot 40b. Full list of results on the main notice board.
Flowers - veg - herbs
Saturday 22 May, from 11 ish by the car park
plotholders only, and just plants - main public BBQ etc later in the summer
Come and say hello and see what there is - there’s a lot!
Cash sales, all in aid of site funds
a social event to meet other plotholders
main opportunity to pay fees for 2020
chairman and treasurer’s reports
elect your committee officers and members for 2020
presentation of award for best new plot
key exchange - see below
refreshments will be served
Key Exchange: the site padlocks will be changed straight after the AGM. Please bring your current padlock key/s to the AGM to be exchanged for a new one/s.
NB it will be exchange only only - no old key, no replacement key for the new padlock.
Join us at our annual plant sale.
The AGM is being held at the Scouts Hut, Gorsedale Road, L18 5EY on Sunday, February 24 at 3 pm.
It is an opportunity for all tenants to discuss the work of the allotment society, make proposals for the coming year and to elect a new committee for that period.
All tenants are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting, meet up with other tenants and have a chat.
It will be possible pay for this year's fees at the AGM. Cheques should be made payable to: Pitville Allotment Society.
Please Note:
Dead line to be nominated for the committee is Thursday 21 February. To nominate yourself please name your proposer and seconder. Please leave your name and plot number in the greenhouse on 44a or email pascommittee@gmail.com
Join us at our annual plant sale, celebrating the start of summer :-)
Beautiful brassicas, marvelous marrows and lovely leeks – we are looking forward to another battle for top awards in this year’s vegetable competition.
Our plant sale this year will be held on Sunday 5th June. Save the date and please sow extra plants for us to sell.