To all plot holders
One of the Committee’s responsibilities is to ensure the requirements of the Council’s Tenancy Agreement are met and maintained.
These requirements include:
- To keep the plot clean from weeds, pests and disease and otherwise maintain it in a good state of cultivation and fertility.
- Maintain in tenantable condition any building structure, fence, rail or gate on the plot.
- To use the plot as an allotment garden and for no other purpose whatsoever.
Therefore, this post is to advise all plot holders that a full site plot inspection will take place during w/c 25th April 2016.
Please feel free to contact a member of the Plot Inspection Team below if you have any comments or queries. Alternatively, you can email us at
Plot Inspection Team:
Anne Jeffery - Plot 43B
Bernie Dobson - Plot 45B
Peter Melia - Plot 18B
Jacqui Orr - Plot 53A