Covid -19 Lockdown January 2021

COVID 19 National Lockdown  Allotment Site Access Update

Dear allotment holders,

Allotment sites will be allowed to remain open during the National Lockdown with the following access restrictions in place;

Allotment access;

  • The allotment holder and members of their household and support bubble will be allowed to continue to access the allotment holders plot.

  • No one outside of any allotment holders household or support bubble should access any other allotment holders plot whilst occupied by allotment holders household or support bubble.

  • Government guidance advises that you can meet one other person from outside of your household for exercise. If any allotment holder decides to do this it means that only; the allotment holder and one other person will be allowed onto the plot at any one time and social distancing of 2 meters adhered to at all times.

Further advice about what qualifies as a support bubble and exemptions can be found by visiting;


Despite access being allowed onto allotments during the National Lockdown the  overriding government message remains that you should stay at home, only take exercise once per day  (attend allotment plots) and for as short a period as possible.

If allotment holders decide to use their daily exercise to attend their plots the guidance below should be followed.

  • Anyone who shows any COVID 19 symptoms must follow government guidance and self-isolate with all members of their household for 14 days.

  • Crucially, stay at home if you have symptoms and get tested.

·       Book a free test from the NHS website or call a new dedicated phone number 119, it’s really quick and easy to do,

  • Wash or sanitise hands regularly. This is important when touching surfaces others may have been in contact with such as on site taps and site access padlocks.

  • When using plot access pathways maintain social distancing of 2 meters from anyone who is not part of your household or support bubble.


Site operational changes;

Committees-in-Charge at your allotment site have also been asked to close shared facilities such as toilets and stores for the duration of the lockdown.  Committees may also have introduced their own control measures which we would urge you all to follow.

Committees will also keep their allotments holders updated regarding changes to this year’s plot rental income collection.

We appreciate that the current situation is frustrating and inconvenient for everyone but it is vital all allotment holders are sensible and follow the instructions issued which are for the benefit and welfare of everybody.

The restrictions above will be regularly reviewed and updated in line with government guidance.

For further information about National Lockdown restrictions please visit;   or

Information about and advice about how the National Lockdown is affecting allotment sites can also be found at;


Take care and stay safe.

Yours Faithfully


A Morrow

Liverpool City Council