We have received a notice from Liverpool City Council that all burning on Council municipal allotment sites is strictly prohibited from 15th March 2021 until 1st November 2021.The Council also advise that allotment sites will be monitored for compliance of this directive. Complaints received will be investigated by Environmental Health Officers and, if required, further action taken including prosecution under The Environmental Protection Act 1990.
This is the busiest time for visits to allotments and a smoke-free environment should be enjoyed by both plotholders and our neighbours who are more likely to be outdoors and have windows open during this season.
If you have any diseased plants please do not compost or put into green bins, but keep them to one side and then burn when allowed.
There is also a generator and shredder on site available for use.
We must not do or allow to be done anything which in the opinion of the Council shall be a nuisance or annoyance to any other tenant or to the occupiers of neighbouring dwelling houses.
Pitville Allotments Society